The Center’s Gallery Page


Our highly advanced, scientifically researched and tested programs over the last 13 years are decades beyond main stream treatment and some of these elite holistic, professional Mental Health programs people work through where privacy, space and the best of African geography, ocean and wildlife meet in paradise. Come to unwind and rebalance and if you feel you may benefit from working the Paradigm Process you can do so in the lap of luxury in the beautiful coastal town of Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, or from home.

Welcome again, to our top Luxury wellness center Gallery Page: Luxury rehab for the Soul where life changes once and for all. Everything is individualised and tailor made to your specific needs. Enjoy your own private room and space and heal from whatever trauma, personality disorder or stress, dual diagnosis or burnout with our many professional programs designed to wholeheartedly heal your personality, emotional, physiological and spiritual self.

Undeniable Healing Results

The work done by The Depression and Wellness Center since 2012 combines human sciences with profound emotional and spiritual components that finally restore many clients from decade long depression, anxiety, dual diagnosis and personality disorders. Stress and burnout today are deadly. Unhealthy coping mechanisms add fuel to the fire. Today, people no longer need to suffer without hope of getting well. Everyone deserves healing, happiness, joy and life purpose. Including you. We hope you have enjoyed our Gallery Page: Luxury rehab for the Soul.

