Eating disorder treatment center

Depression and Wellness Center

Our eating disorder treatment center experience is completely unique and non-clinical. Our program has been highly successful for the past 13 years and has helped many people with eating disorders and what we call disordered eating to heal, recover and renew their lives.

Private eating disorder treatment center

A eating disorder treatment center is not for everyone and some people prefer alternative treatments that are non-clinical. So about a decade and a half ago we developed a program that was based in psychology and science but that also worked holistically with the client where they were in their lives physically, emotionally and spiritually.

People with eating disorders or people who prefer to look at their issues as physiological issues of eating too much, or too little or people who have started to use food to mange their emotions often consider our program, with excellent results. Not everyone needs or wants labels and our dieticians, doctors and eating disorder specialist team headed up by Mark offer clients world-class eating disorder guidelines based on the psychiatric model that are coupled with advanced tools of contemplation, meditation work, mindfulness and everything from yoga to yin and yang. Some people require a licensed Acute Eating Disorder Treatment Facility while others prefer a holistic retreat styled experience, depending where they are at in their journey.

When I realise what my needs are and start satisfying those needs in a healthy and balanced way, my self love has returned in the place of self harm. Mark L Lockwood BA(psy)(hons) – Founder Paradigm Process

Our team believes that people need to be helped where they are at and our full life transformation programs do just that. While eating disorders sound simple, they are multifaceted and underlying feelings of desperation, powerlessness, trauma and suffering are universal with eating disorders. Informal life transformation in a homely setting with a combination of psychotherapy, nutrition, education and a world-class ED program is super-powerful and effective in the long term.

“Continue. Be loving and be strong. Be fierce and be kind. And don’t give in and don’t give up.” – Maya Angelou 

Luxury Eating Disorder Center program

Our team have been together for 13 years and our doctors, psychologists and mindfulness team, sports and fitness coaches and life coaches really take the science of eating disorders into the modern world of Joe Dispenza and Tony Robbins styled therapy that statistically works wonders when added to the cocktail of modern therapies that are available today. The magic of our professional team is working in a beachside setting that offers so much healing at every turn that everything here becomes therapy. The walks, hikes, the Big 5, the whale watching and then the yoga, art, mindfulness, sport, gym and fitness coaching coupled with the psychological work make us the epitome of a holistic eating disorder clinic or wellness centre.

Do I qualify to be treated for an Eating Disorder?

Always consult your doctor. They really are a good port of call. A qualified psychologist can also help you understand what treatment is best for you. Many issues underlie, cause, exacerbate, hinder and make more complex issues from what we call eating disorders today.

We work holistically at our spiritual healing and wellness centre and believe through experience, research samples, case studies and evidence based success stories that we have the science couples together with the spiritual solution for whatever hinders you in your life. Our Eating disorder treatment center program, and the work on trauma, emotional healing, personality disorders, anxiety and everything from depression to borderline personality traits can play roles in how people end up thinking, feeling and then behaving in their lives. If they are ready and willing to improve – the odds are stacked considerably in their favour. People who want to heal really, really do transform their lives. Aside from some of the best consultant psychiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists and dieticians in the world we have an array of specialists in their fields who add rays of magical sunshine into our programs.

Types of Eating Disorder Treatment

  • Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA)
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
  • Dietetic Consultants who love their clients and treat them as individuals
  • ED Meditations, affirmations and Paradigm Process of Recovery Tools
  • Occupational therapy in our Eating disorder treatment center, retreats, workshops and events.
  • Body image work, assignments, video and audio work that brings the gift of psyhco-education about who I am, how I feel and what I need. When I realise what my needs are and start satisfying those needs in a healthy and balanced way, my self love has returned in the place of self harm.
  • Work with our wonderful social coaches that includes social exploration and connection, sport and gym work and learning everything from hiking, to golf, padel and everything else that keeps me balanced, fit and loving myself.
Stories of Transformation

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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