Best clinic for depression and mental health

Personality Disorder Treatment Centre

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Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities, where the journey is as exhilarating as the destination, and where every moment is an opportunity to make your mark on the canvas of existence. The only limit is the extent of your imagination. Explore what we treat and see how you can benefit from using our products and services. We hope you have found the best clinic for depression and mental health and we look forward to healing, recovery, restoration and transformation with you.

Best clinic for depression and mental health
Depression Treatment Program

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10% off for all bookings made until end July 2024

Invest in your health with the best clinic for depression and mental health and the payoff will be felt in your relationships, career and future. Never think that staying stuck is an option and that things will change on their own. Ships are build, they don’t come in. Heal, grow, explore and transform your life with us. There may be no better journey and what we treat is bound to make a massive impact on your future.


“The doctor who referred me told me that if I didn’t do something for my burnout that I things would get worse. I did the 12 week program and my whole life has changed. The Center should be mandatory for anyone who has a psychological or emotional block.”

Tony D


I was on a rollercoaster and was going nowhere fast. I had no clue on earth that you could go somewhere to heal long term generalised anxiety. No one had ever mentioned there was anything other than medication to me. Today I am only on vitamins and meditation. Thank you Center for Healing and the incredible staff.

Elizabeth H


Some of the Mental Health issues we treat at our Spiritual Healing and Wellness Centre

Everyone is doing something different at our Center. It is highly personalised which makes a difference. No labels. No stigma. Just healing, growth and life transformation. We have a massive network of professional practitioners supporting our core team that contribute to our clients healing and growth process at what we believe is the best clinic for depression and mental health.

Here are some of the Center Wellness Services we help people with:

Mental health issues – Our psychologists, counsellors and life coaches have an unprecedented wealth of experience and have been helping people heal at the centre since 2012 with our unique holistic brand of mental and emotional wellness healing at the highest level.

Depression – Working with depression is one of our specialities and our top up approach is designed to heal and not just treat depression. The evidence and research of successful treatment is off the charts and anyone battling needs to start their work at the centre immediately. 

Anxiety disorder – Anxiety is highly treatable and our anxiety recovery programs, tools, courses and therapies are leaps and bounds ahead of the game.

Eating disorders – Eating disorders and disordered eating effect so many people today and our modalities of treating these eating disorders professionally is the non-clinical but highly professional approach our clients are seeking. 

Addiction Recovery – Mark L Lockwood BA (Hans)(psy) is an addiction psychology specialist that has been featured on eNCA news, Discovery Medial Magazine, Dischem, and an array of other media publications to shed light on the ever changing landscape of addiction recovery and addiction treatment. Mark has developed many different services and products including the new 10 step Paradigm Process model of Addiction Recovery that treats the personality and the person. Not the addiction as a presenting problem. Addiction recovery as you’ve never seen it before. from events, retreats, books and the 10 Step Program we have a unique solution for you.

Borderline Personality Disorder – Deemed as highly difficult to treat by many professionals, our 13 years of experience treating BPD and using DBT and the Paradigm Process model have proven highly successful for those who really want recovery. 

Trauma – Trauma work with our psychological team is at the core of our program and what we treat. The work is deep, profound and finding a new freedom, joy and contentment is what you will find here. As the Best clinic for depression and mental health we find that trauma affects nearly everyone at one time or another.

ADHD – So common with our younger clients doing the Mastery Youth Program. Our ADHD team is amazing, on the ball and super-fast in getting a workable model for each unique individual.

Neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – We love our neurodiverse clients and we welcome them from all over the world to enjoy the benefits of this adaptable, exciting and proactive work that is laced with adventure and entertainment. 

Social anxiety disorder – Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder and OCD ext are effecting more and more people today, especially those who have not found a path or have not sought out a solution before. You need not live with social anxiety nor any unhealthy anxiety at all. 

Fear & Uncertainty – Panic Attacks, Fear of failure, Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Isolation, Mood disorder and especially Bipolar disorder are issue see love helping people overcome. This is our passion and we look forward to meeting you where you are at and helping you change everything around. We can, will and do recover!

Mindfulness & Meditation – Many people come to The Center for Healing & Life Transformation to learn about meditation and mindfulness and to get away from the hustle and bustle of people, places and things back home. To be the Best clinic for depression and mental health we have developed a major Meditation program that is a client favourite without a doubt.

Burnout – Another speciality treatment area is treating burnout and the many issues, symptoms and consequences that come with it.

For more information about the Best clinic for depression and mental health and what we treat and which products and services will benefit you most, get in touch. Call +27824424779 or email

Burnout Treatment South Africa

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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