Burnout and Stress Centre

Top Wellness centre in South Africa

Today your mental and emotional well-being needs to be put at the forefront of your needs Hierarchy. Without balance and good health you cannot grow and contribute successfully towards your life goals. Today physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual health comes first. There is no longer a need to wait for a rock-bottom, or stay stuck. Thousands of lives have been changed by Burnout and Stress Centre programs like ours who are homes away from home, where you work on healing and transforming your life, removing the blocks and re-focusing on your growth, purpose and potential. Wherever you are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually today, know you can Heal Your Life!


Depression, anxiety as well as addictions and personality and emotional issues stem from untreated stress. These things are a process and if we learn to treat ourselves professionally and properly when issues arise as warning triggers then we can save ourselves endless heaps of needless suffering.

In just a few weeks we have seen people leave the environments that have them trapped and take on the challenge of improving themselves from the inside out. When they arrive at our coastal paradise to do our Burnout and Stress Centre program almost 100% of the time people say they should have done it years ago. So often in fact that we are all trying to spread the message of just how treatable and curable things like stress, burnout, anxiety, addiction and personality disorders are. People tend to sit at home in misery year after year with no clue that help is even available. Oh, but it is. If you what to heal your life. If you want to recover and heal it is almost certain that you will. So what then has to change? Well, everything. You, see when you change the way you look at things the things you look at really do change.

Although most people won’t ever consider a psychiatric treatment centre or a drug rehab centre people need to know that their are alternatives available with professional help that is beyond world class. Since 2012 we have invited people from all over the world to do our Burnout and Stress Centre programs and other mental and emotional wellness programs and lives change for the better.

We hope that one one day people are informed enough to realise that if you have an adolescent or child at home that has personality disorders, eating disorders or depression or anxiety, that they need to go and work on eradicating these things so that they can fulfill their dreams and potential. The alcoholic husband or wife or the drug addicted child suffers emotionally much like the person in the family with borderline personality disorder or bipolar mood disorder. When we are taught how to live well in all areas of life our perspectives change fast. With the right combination of healing professionals, life strategists and mindfulness and wellness coaches the Burnout and Stress Centre programs become potent life changing tools. Our message is clear, why wait. You really can heal your life.


Our treatment team includes top consultants in the field, specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists, qualified life coaches and experienced counselors that work with clients personally to heal quickly and efficiently at the highest possible level. It is the bridge between punitive and clinical mental health facilities and top psychiatric centers that has offered undeniable results since 2012.

Our highly experienced team of professional counselors and coaches is lead by Mark L Lockwood BA(psy)(hons), who work with the very best of our  psychiatrists, doctors and healing consultants have learned over the decades through deep data driven experience that there is no one size fits all approach to healing from burnout, depression and emotional issues. If a psychiatric clinic, alcohol rehabilitation centre or main stream clinic is definitely not your cup of tea, it no longer matters. Our holistic, super modern and highly effective alternative to rehab etc is 50 years ahead of the game and is well known worldwide.

Top Wellness centre in South Africa

Burnout and Stress Centre nestled in paradise

A South African paradise surrounded by game reserves, mountains and the Knysna forests through to the Indian Ocean’s sandy, white beaches, our area lends itself to the healing process as we nurture through nature. This gives us the best of both worlds. From the Big 5 through to whale and dolphin viewing we have it all. So all in all we invite everyone to the ultimate Burnout and Stress Centre program helps ordinary people heal depression anxiety and stress as well as other issues in a non-clinical centre environment in paradise. Call today +27824424779 or email centerforhealingandlife@gmail.com

Why use mental health retreats south africa?

The calibre, scope and level of treatment we have available to us at the Center for HEALING AND LIFE TRANSFORMATION is second to none. The wealth of top psychiatrists for one in our Monaco styled, coastal town are exceptional. We have 7 psychiatrists all with a slightly different specialisation that we use for our clients dependent on what assistance they are seeking and whether it is just for our Burnout and Stress Centre program.

The relationships we have with our psychiatrists, psychologists, life coaches, breath-work teachers and other practitioners has etched itself into a solid and long term solution for weary people from around the world. It is remarkable how at least half the folks that visit us never knew their was a solution for their anxiety, depression, addictions and obsessions or compulsions and whatever else doesn’t work for them. That figure is far too high and we are hoping that people understand that their are alternatives to rehab, to clinics and especially to pharmaceutical only solutions. Solutions that do not work well enough on their own. “What people need to change is everything,” says Mark, “and I wish that they only knew how easy and accessible healing can be once you get around the first corner”.

Many people visit the Center for a cocktail of issues that have built up in their lives and we offer no labels to them. We only offer deeply powerful solutions and that has what has got the name of Mark’s center buzzing around the first world. “If people want science and evidence based healing and palpable results, results that create a complete observable change in all that is not working for the person, then The Center is for them. You really can heal your life!

Burnout and Stress Centre

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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