What is mental health and wellness anyway

What is mental health and wellness anyway

Understanding what mental health and wellness actually is and isn’t is the first step to emotional and mental health recovery. Too many people sit themselves, and or allow their adult children to sit and stay avoidant and stuck in emotional issues. That gets everyone nowhere fast.

Every aspect of wellness can affect a person’s life. Working toward all of them in one way or another is a great goal because wellness relates directly to the quality of a person’s life. Wellness is a broad concept. In this guide, we attempt to provide a broad, yet specific sense of what it means. We invite you to think of wellness as we do at our wellness centre, meaning being healthy in many dimensions of our lives. That includes the emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, financial, social, environmental, and spiritual parts.
These dimensions are interconnected; one dimension builds on another. We also recognize that we live in a multicultural world, and wellness encompasses areas that may not be specified in this brief discussion. We believe, for example, that trauma is a universal human experience and that our culture and spiritual beliefs impact our perceptions and everything we do.

In summary, wellness from a psychiatric, psychological, or holistic point of view is about how we live our lives and the joy, fulfillment, and health we experience. When we worry about money (for example, debt or being able to afford what we need), we sometimes experience anxiety (emotional).

This can lead to medical problems (physical) and trouble at work (occupational). When this happens, we may even question our own sense of meaning and purpose (spiritual). At the same time, when we are not working (occupational), we may lose opportunities to interact with others (social) and may not be able to afford the good food and medical care we need to stay well (physical). We may even need to move our home to a place that feels less safe and secure (environmental).

Understand that one thing leads to another. Issues don’t just tend to come out of nowhere. They are a process. #anxiety #depression #bdp #ocd and many personality disorder traits have been developed through unhealthy processes that need to be healed through treatment. Whether it is addiction issues, avoidance, lack of self-esteem, or any other pathological issue that stunts one’s life, we need to be sure we develop awareness fast and then take responsible action from that awareness. This is what our psychologists and healing team teach at our spiritual healing and wellness center in South Africa.

Mental health and wellness

Mental health and wellness for me go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other for very long. If you don’t look after yourself physically and use mind-altering drugs or substances, for example, it is going to affect all other aspects of your mental health and wellness. In the same way, if you have mental health issues, they are going to have an effect on your physiology. Emotional issues tend to affect us in all areas of our lives. Some issues, especially the physical ones, tend to come out sooner than emotional ones and are easier to see, of course.

The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: If someone picks up 300 lb of weight, it will be easy enough for us to see that there will be a mental and emotional wellness component to the issue that can be both life-threatening and incapacitating in many ways through many different activities. Yet people with issues tend not to put two and two together. It is surprising how many people do not associate significant weight gain, for example, with emotional issues. They tend to be the last to know what the issues really are and may focus for years or decades just on trying to heal the physical issues whilst never looking at the underlying emotional issues that may be the root cause of everything.

It is even more surprising when we have parents of problem adult children of 30 or 40 years old who are still making the same excuses they used to make for the adult child at the age of two or three years old. They have family got themselves in sconce in denial that runs so deep that the wins the child experiences can remain open for 20 years or more with ease. If a person has an addiction issue it is also common place for people to think that there is no mental health or emotional wellness component to the problem. They think the problem of an addiction was caused through bad habits. Sometimes they believe the addiction issues were caused through negative influences in their lives. The excuses go on and on and so do the addictions – until sanity is restored and people start to look at the bigger picture with the help of a professional team of experts.

At the Centre for healing and life transformation in South Africa, I’ll team of experts including top psychologists in their field as well as transformational coaches and sports coaches as well as trained counsellors in their specific fields all working together to put two and two together. They put the physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual together and solve problems that have run throughout peoples lifetimes in relatively short periods of time.

Sometimes it is hard to wonder why people have allowed their depression and anxiety issues as well as their defense mechanisms and coping strategies to get so out of hand for such long periods of time. If people know that they have a problem, then all they need to do is find out how to solve that problem. Once we know the white, then the Halle presents itself. People do not understand that they do not have to stay stuck and try and cope with being heavily overweight, addicted or even from walking around the world with little to no self-esteem. All these things can change. People, in fact, change their personalities and the is where the Paradigm Process 10-step recovery plan starts taking names.

mental health and wellness

Personalities are built and constructed, they don’t just randomly appear this way or that. Not at all. Personalities are based on subjective experiences and individuals’ interaction with their environment. Personality involves both inborn traits and the development of cognitive and behavioural patterns that influence how we think and act – of how we do our lives day after day. Yes, we construct these persona’s or masks. Masks that can eventually bring our lives to a grinding halt. Mental health and wellness become choices we make and the things we think and do. The good news is if we construct them we can deconstruct them too, and create something new for ourselves.

10 step program to getting your life back

The Paradigm Process offers you a 10-step program to heal your life. Backed by scientific evidence we have accumulated from real case studies since 2012, we have developed a way to overcome whatever holds you back. How we found it was profoundly interesting and was the breakthrough we needed for seekers – people looking to actualize their full potential. We delved into psychology, dipped into philosophy, and studied all the religions around the world. We began to understand how the brain controls the body and how emotions, memory, imagination, and potential are all linked.

We then started applying and testing all the principles of healing and life transformation that we discovered and began removing what didn’t seem to help cause effective change. The Paradigm Process helped us at our inpatient treatment center double the speed of healing in the people we were helping. People from all over the world, suffering from all sorts of different emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical problems took part. What we found through the work and research was incredible.

Lose your personality and create a new one

The Paradigm Process

We discovered that people became stuck in the first half of life, and their mental health and wellness took a corresponding turn. They experienced one type of fight, flight, and freeze or another that was entrenched from years of thinking, feeling, and behaving in certain ways. This is the most common formulation of personality, which is all focused on survival. Ways that once worked for them in childhood, but no longer worked for them as adults. We discovered that people really did need a paradigm shift to move across the bridge into the second half of life where peace, joy, and abundance resided. People become stuck in the prison of the personality without even knowing that it has happened. Depression, stress, and tension soon follow because being stuck in any kind of prison is hell. Just ask someone who has dealt with depression for a bunch of years.

For more help with your mental health and wellness, the quality of your life, your personality, or mood disorders or issues, get in touch with the centre. One of the most experienced teams in the world, constructed in 2012, is here to help you change everything!

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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