The 10 step mental health model

The 10 step mental health model

The 10 step mental health model from South Africa that really works for people all over the world with all sorts of wellness issues forges forward with the right, tested psychological research behind it.

There is no doubt that there is a mental health crisis that is making its way around the world like a strong and ferocious wind that is blowing people over left, right, and centre. The new normal for coping with serious stress and burnout is that we try and ignore it completely until we can’t function any longer and breakdown. We drink, drug, take prescription drugs that keep changing but never quite do the job and then we eventually grow despondent.

The research shows us that we have not yet learned any other way to cope.

Currently, people are trying the “feel good” lifestyles of the hippie and the spiritually aware in wellness cultures around the globe. Without diving deeply into these things, they don’t work either. Even spiritual awareness take a lot of daily practice, fortitude, and discipline which most people find hard to build. Wellness culture has become incredibly popular and is helping people to reduce daily stress and anxiety. However, if people are suffering problems that are long-standing and severe in nature, a little more wellness intervention needs to happen. The Paradigm Process is the 10-step mental health model that we use in this regard, says Mark “and it has literally made us famous in many parts of the world. People desperately want to heal and with a good healing model that is exactly what they do for themselves”!

Genuine and profound wellness changes are by nature fairly limited. That’s why the process or model that people can follow with the right research behind it is still the number one way to make significant life changes. Oftentimes a full psychic change has to occur. Positive psychology is not always enough. What that means is that we will need to look at all areas in our lives that need to change. Not just the feel good or easy changes. The full dimension of wellness comprises our emotional, occupational, intellectual, environmental, financial, and spiritual dimensions. When we look at all of these dimensions of our self we get a clearer picture of our overall well-being and quality of life. As soon as we have this picture in our conscious awareness, we then incorporate a model such as the 10-step Paradigm process to really get us there. A systematic approach of healing change and life transformation seems to be the key that research suggests is the number one way to create a life of well-being and high-quality living for yourself. Carl Jung said that our personality begins with a collective unconscious, developed within our species throughout time, and that we have only limited ability to control the psychic process that is our own personality. So why then try and work on the personality alone for several years? No, we work on our spirituality, our complete make-up of mind, body, emotions and spirituality and we thresh them together. This is the elixir of the spiritual path and it is lethally effective.

Well what is The 10 step mental health model?

The Paradigm process offers people 10 Pathways back to the healed or sacred self that are workable and easy enough for people to follow. Your sacred self or heal self is where your true values, emotions, desires, and objectives reside. It is that part of you that is wanting more from life.

It is that part of you that wants to actualize your full potential and grow personally and then heal the world. There are certain things that we learned in childhood that became our ego defence mechanisms. We developed what we call ego insurgents to protect us from a harsh and ever-changing world. We developed a controller insurgent. We also developed a judge, a victim, and a perfectionist insurgent. In fact, we developed 10 ego insurgents that kept us safe from the world by creating a personality that became a personal reality for us all.

Mark L. Lockwood and his team, that includes psychologists, psychiatrists, and other top medical practitioners, have started to understand that we are not ill personalities. We are not our ego defence mechanisms but rather we are white resides underneath these masks. So what we need to do is stop treating the masks. We need to stop just treating the personality.

It is when we remember who we really are that we start to experience a healing paradigm shift.

Burnout Treatment South Africa

The paragon process wellness model suggests that we develop 10 prominent masks in childhood that are designed neurobiologically to keep us safe from possible threats in our environments. These masks are incredibly useful for adolescence and children who have no other means to take care of the mental and emotional well-being. These masks protect us. If we don’t remove the masks over time, they start to choke us out. To dine own self be true is at the core of our mental well-being. Reality is an essential part of being a complicated and diverse human being with emotions that can run riot in a hectic and busy environment. The 10 most popular masks that we put on or a false sense of control, people-pleasing and a judgmental nature. We can also become neurotic, perfectionistic, or even victims. The 10 Pathways out of these personality disorders are through returning and recovering an authentic sense of who we really are.

When we work on our well-being and develop a strong sense of self-love, connection, and certainty, we develop strengths that help us heal and transform from the inside out. When we work on ourselves psychologically and emotionally and then spiritually, we see courage and wisdom as well as resilience and discipline return. With these weapons in our arsenal, anxiety, depression, and any subsequent personality disorders don’t stand a chance. When we start to recover a real sense of connection, meaning, and achievement, our eight dimensions of wellness are directly and positively affected. This is the miracle of comprehensive and holistic change that anyone from anywhere in the world with any sort of issue should be able to use to transform their lives.

When we go beyond the personality and the ego defence mechanisms that have held us captive for so many years or even decades, we start to heal. Fast! 6 to 8 or sometimes 12 weeks is enough to change anyone’s issues if they are willing to do the work. It really does work if you work it. But only every time, says Mark. Many people are not willing to do the work of healing and recovery and that’s okay. Their time will come when they are ready, unfortunately many people wait for a rock bottom to change and heal. Our message is why wait when the solution is so readily available.

The 10 step mental health model


10 years ago, we started radically researching how ill clients from all over the world made themselves well in our Centre for healing and life transformation. It was clear that people who really wanted change as desperately as one could imagine seemed to get it almost every single time. If they were willing and did the work, they recovered and became well. Although it was never easy, it became as clear as day that if people really wanted to heal from depression addictions and personality disorders that they could do so in as little as 6-8 weeks.

Research from 5000 studies and 50,000 reports from Yale, Harvard, and Stanford that were used in The 10 step mental health model we designed over 14 years, show extraordinary benefits of mindful practice that gets us out of survival mind and emotional memory in the body to a new place of higher thinking, feeling, and functioning. Harvard Medical School Phd’s recently announced “extraordinary, long-term benefits” Virginia medical school found that anxiety, mild depression, chronic pain, asthma, ADHD, and high-functioning autism, that can be treated with mind-based interventions. Brown university showed open-awareness and concentration, each with its own psychophysiological and neuro-cognitive effects. Insomnia, stress, anxiety spectrum disorders, and mental health though to proven insomnia, stress, anxiety spectrum disorders, and mental health improvement research at Harvard medical school.

We have collected data at our spiritual healing and wellness centre of several thousand people who have been through our programs and events at The Center for Healing and Life Transformation. We measure people’s physical, psychological, and emotional states with psychological tests and then we track their progress in all areas as they pass through levels 1-4 of the work. Thousands of success stories have been documented as evidence that the work is a new world-wide science that people need to heal their lives.


Everything counts towards your overall wellness. Yes, we recommend taking up dancing, gymming, or Padel for mental health. Of course, these things can change our emotional states which in turn can motivate us to get into a transformational program with a scientific and tested success rate. Psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and religion offer the most profound changes and people have done themselves a disservice to lose their connection to these ways of thinking and being. A good wellbeing model of change like The 10 step mental health model has all of these components meshed into it. “We need to get beyond our past, our stories and traumas, our memories and false memories that keep us stuck and even paralysed at times. The long term effects of not being present and connected can be deadly to the body and similarly they can deaden our creative ability to get beyond our own problems.

The 10 step mental health model

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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